National Siblings Day: Robin’s sisters

Robin is lucky to have two sisters who are so loving. The dynamics between Olivia (11), Robin (4), and Eve (3 ) are fantastic. Eve will sometimes follow Olivia and Robin around as they play together, pretending to be ‘big girls.’ They may do crafts or makeup dances.

We notice that Robin’s loss of hearing doesn’t hinder her – she is exactly where she should be in her family and life. Her sisters also treat her the same way.

Olivia is protective of Robin and will tell strangers if Robin can’t hear them. Olivia will pull Robin’s hair back to show her hearing aids when she is with others. She wants Robin to know that she doesn’t have to hide her hearing aids. She claims that Robin’s unique hearing loss makes her special and that “Robin wouldn’t have been Robin without her hearing devices.” This makes her the most amazing big sister.

Olivia is older than Robin and has a greater understanding of the challenges Robin may face in school or with friends. She feels sorry for Robin when her hearing aids are removed, as she cannot hear well. We’ve found ways to deal with it: we speak clearly and close into Robin’s right ear, make sure she can listen to our lips, or show with gestures. As a family, we’ve developed our tricks to help us communicate more effectively. It’s also amazing to watch the girls’ communication skills – sometimes, they seem to be in their world.

Eve is just three years old and doesn’t understand that Robin has a hearing impairment. She wants to know if she, too, can get hearing aids, which she finds very cute. Children are able to tell the truth and express themselves in a way that adults can’t. We know that Robin’s sisters will take care of her as she grows up because they are so supportive. We are so fortunate to have three daughters, and we love that they will always be together.

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