Maintaining our wellbeing and adjusting to the new ‘normal’
March was a very long month. We are now in lockdown, as is the rest of the globe. These last few weeks were so intense, with information overload, adjustments, and searching for toilet paper, that it is almost a relief when we reach the ‘ stay at home’ plateau.
The girls miss their friends, swimming, and school and are sad to leave our holiday. The girls have many questions, and they’re sorry about packing up their uniforms because they don’t know when to wear them again. Social media may be bursting with suggestions for live-streaming, fitness activities, and home-schooling. For now, we’re not interested in exploring these ideas. We are trying to relax and do what we love in our home.
The sun has definitely brightened up the mood. The girls have spent a lot of time in the garden playing, reading, making movies, and baking. They also snacked a lot, made iMovies, and watched videos with friends. This time is not to be missed. Schoolwork will arrive, but it’s nice to have a break and digest.
There is still much to be grateful for despite the uncertainty. (Not least of all our wonderful NHS and other key employees). Normally, I’m frustrated by how distant our screens can be, but this month, I find myself in awe at their ability to connect us and lift us. Netflix allows us to chat with family and friends near and far. We can also work from home. There are also new connections as our local community rallies, and we get to know our neighbors. We can see who is who and what they need (from a distance of 2m). When no one can see you, it doesn’t really matter how you look, what your hair looks like, or if you have hearing aids. What a treat!
We will have much to thank God for if we, our loved ones and friends, survive this Corona crisis financially intact and healthy. We all need to be strong and united in the face of this outbreak. Let’s put our differences aside and work together as a family, a community, a nation, and a global group to protect everyone’s health and well-being.