10 ways companies can be more family-friendly
The first 1000 days of life will affect a child’s development. In this period, infants’ brains develop at a pace that will never be repeated.
The evidence suggests that food, stimulating care, a nurturing environment – whether it is eating or play, and love – are crucial in giving children the best possible start.
However, due to the long work hours, parents often miss extensive durations of time in the early year of their infants’ lives. They do not have a choice. Family-friendly policies, including paid paternity leave, breastfeeding breaks, and childcare, are not an option for the majority of new parents across the globe.
Parents need time and assistance to ensure their children get the best possible start in the world. So what can companies do? Below are ten strategies companies can assist in creating a welcoming workplace for families:
1. Assure that women are not discriminated against due to motherhood, pregnancy, or other family obligations, such as employment conditions, wages, or career options.
2. Create a minimum of six months of paid parental leave so parents can spend family time when needed.
3. With paid breaks and adequate lactation facilities, Let breastfeeding be permitted at the workplace. A breastfeeding-friendly environment at work.
4. Help provide affordable and high-quality child care to ensure that all children can access early childhood education and learn the skills they require to achieve their full potential.
5. Flexible working hours arrangements via work-from-home policy and additional measures.
6. Beyond the legal requirements, promote decent working conditions, including pay that aligns with the cost of living for families.
7. The addresses the particular issues encountered by seasonal and migrant workers, including assisting workers in relocating with their families and working with the government to help support the ability of displaced families to get identification and other essential services.
8. Promote positive parenting habits through employees, such as creating awareness and training campaigns to emphasize the importance of early child development.
9. Promote family-friendly policies when working with business suppliers.
10. Create awareness among consumers and customers on the value of the development of children in their early years via their social network platforms and other channels.
The economics are straightforward investing in family-friendly policies can improve workforce productivity and a business’s ability to keep, attract and motivate employees.
Family-friendly policies benefit employers as well as families and society. Ensuring children’s development from the beginning of their lives is not just an ethical decision but also the best choice because the first times are crucial.